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Why invest in InterLink?

A summary of the incredible achievements made by InterLink in the first 7 months are shown below:


🔸No lock Staking platform from day 1


🔹Over 30 staking reward options to choose from*


🔸InterLink Dex with benefits to projects listing (with multiple trading options)


🔹Over 35% of supply staked*


🔸Solid chart that's over 60% up from launch*


🔹PCS LP locked in Knox Locker by Squid Grow


🔸InterLink Bridge with ETH, Base & Poly


🔹Listed on Lynx, Dive Wallet and Master Key


🔸Links Lotto


🔹Golden Ticket NFT competition


🔸Large number of partnerships and contacts across an array of crypto related projects


🔹Over 3,000 followers across all social platforms*


🔸 Enhanced DexScreener packages


🔹Upcoming Web3 pinball game


🔸Metaverse land purchased with building in progress


All from a trustworthy and transparent team. And much more to come! 



* Figures as at end October 2024

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